Helping Growing Pains in Royal Oak
At Van Every Family Chiropractic Center, we don’t believe that growth should be painful-and it doesn’t have to be.
If your child is waking you up at night, crying because of the pain in his or her legs or body, you probably feel like you’d do anything to conquer the agony that they’re going through. Thankfully, there’s an option-focused, gentle chiropractic care.
What Are Growing Pains?
These pains are often defined as recurrent leg aches in children ages 2-12 years. While they can occur in the arms, they’re most often found in the legs and tend to cause the most discomfort in the middle of the night.
Aching legs (especially at night), throbbing shins, calves, and joints are common. There can be shooting pain into the legs and what feels like a very severe cramp. While many cases of growing pains are exactly that, they are sometimes also confused with over activity during the days (i.e. playing sports) and it can be linked with restless leg syndrome at night
What Causes Them?
Contrary to its name, many medical doctors are unsure as to whether the pain many adolescents feel is connected to growth or not. Instead, they believe that excessive play during the day may be the culprit. Some even say that it’s caused by emotional problems.
While everyone grows, not everyone experiences these types of aches. Factors that come into play include:
- Rate of growth
- Genetic predisposition
- Ultimate height the child may reach
How Chiropractic Can Help
Your nervous system controls absolutely everything in your body- cells, organs and more. However, these nerves are housed in the spinal column with all of the nerve roots exiting between your vertebrae. While this is designed to be a safe place to house the nervous system, physical, chemical and even emotional stress can cause an overload on the system, meaning that signals get confused and pain from various sources can result.
Book Your Visit Today
If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, we’d love to speak with you-give us a call today to book your visit.