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Help for Whiplash Royal Oak

woman holding neck in painWhether you were involved in a low-speed fender bender or took a spill while riding your bike, you may have sustained whiplash. Also referred to as a neck strain or sprain, whiplash occurs when a person’s head moves backward and then forward suddenly with significant force.

Those with whiplash often experience the following:

  • Numbness and tingling
  • Restricted head movement
  • Possible concussion
  • Shooting pain down the fingers and hands
  • Headaches

How Soon Should I Come In?

The sooner whiplash is taken care of, the easier it is to address. Some people will come in a year after they get it, so you have to combat the effects of the entire previous year to get a person to where we want them to be. We sometimes see lingering effects such as muscle tension later.

If you get checked out at the ER first, we recommend that you then come to our practice. Even minor car accidents that occur while traveling a couple of miles per hour need checked out.

Our Approach to Addressing Whiplash

We will adjust in the position you were in when you sustained whiplash. For example, if you were in a car accident, you would be adjusted in the position you were in when the collision occurred. So we would have you be seated, looking to the left. Adjusting in that manner will help you to heal faster. We always look at the position of injury.

The tool we use has a specific adjustment that goes along the muscle fibers. You can think of muscles being tight and scar tissue being in a crisscross pattern. We adjust into the scar tissue to ensure the muscles are in an elongated, looser pattern. Then, we can use our massager tool that provides what’s similar to a deep tissue massage.

Book an Appointment

If you think you may have sustained whiplash, it’s important to seek care as soon as possible. Contact us today to get help for whiplash Royal Oak.


Help For Whiplash in Royal Oak and MI | (248) 616-0900