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Halfway to Wellness: Supercharge Your Health Goals with a Mid-Year Chiropractic Checkup!

adult friends laughingIt’s July! The year is flying by, and with it goes the chance to reach those health goals you set in January. Did you aim to boost your energy, improve your sleep, or finally conquer back pain? No matter your goals, mid-year is the perfect time to check in and see how you’re doing.

But there’s a crucial player in your health journey that you might be overlooking: your spine! Your spine houses your central nervous system, the master control center coordinating everything from your energy levels to your ability to move pain-free. Keeping your spine healthy is key to achieving overall wellness.

At Van Every Family Chiropractic, we’re here to help you reach your health goals! For a limited time, we’re offering a special mid-year checkup to get you back on track. For just $50 (a savings of over $150!), you’ll receive:

  • A comprehensive chiropractic examination
  • An updated health history
  • A posture analysis
  • A FREE laser treatment (to promote healing and pain relief)

This offer is for returning patients (Medicare guidelines apply). Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your health and well-being! Call or text us at 248-616-0900 or schedule your appointment online today. Let’s work together to make the second half of your year your healthiest yet!


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