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Bedwetting Care in Royal Oak

mom and kid playing with bubblesIt’s estimated that 5 to 7 million children wet their beds most or some nights. Bedwetting can cause embarrassment for kids and frustration for parents as they may not know what to do to help. Up to the age of 4 or 5, the majority of children lack sufficient bladder control at night.

After that age, however, bedwetting may signify an underlying issue. While chiropractic does not treat bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), countless children have been helped with safe and drug-free chiropractic care.

Bladder Function

Two primary muscles control the emptying of the bladder: the detrusor and trigone muscles. The nerves that leave the spinal column in the lower back and sacrum operate these muscles.

During a child’s younger years, the sacrum has five separate sections. As a child grows older, the segments fuse together to create the triangular-shaped bone that adults have at the base of the spine. If these sections misalign from activities such as learning to walk or ride a bike, they may compromise the nerves that control bladder function.

How Chiropractic Can Address Bedwetting

At Van Every Family Chiropractic Center, one of the components we work on to address bedwetting is the emotional aspect behind it. We’re working on the cranial area which directly affects the brain to help the emotions of embarrassment, fear or frustration. There’s also the physical component of bedwetting. We have to work on both of those to make sure that we clear up the bedwetting quickly.

We find that many kids have a lot of emotional issues tied to asthma, especially as they get older. It’s common to see a lot of kids ages 10, 11 and 12 who have bedwetting issues who are anxious, which creates a vicious cycle. They can’t do sleepovers as they have to wear pull-ups. Therefore, bedwetting can become even more stressful if not taken care of when kids are younger.

While not a patient with bedwetting, a girl who is cared for at our practice was going to the bathroom constantly throughout the day. Her problem cleared up quickly with chiropractic.

We also adjust in positions of sleep, so we want to make sure that children are always sleeping on one side, the way their body is adapting to their sleep position. Van Every Family Chiropractic Center is different in that our chiropractors perform different types of adjustments, both the positional adjustment and the cranial sacral part of the emotional adjustment.

Published Studies

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics document numerous studies revealing the positive benefits of chiropractic care. Here are two:

  • In one study, 46 children received chiropractic care for a 10-week period. A quarter of those under chiropractic care had a 50% or greater reduction in the frequency of wet nights, while none among the control group experienced a reduction. (JMPT 1994 (Nov-Dec);17 (9): 596-600)
  • The lumbar spine of an 8-year-old male bed-wetter was adjusted once and at a one-month follow-up appointment. His bedwetting resolved completely. “This happened in a manner that could not be attributed to time or placebo effect.” (JMPT 1994 (Jun);17 (5): 335-338)

A Patient Success Story

Thank you to Dr Saylor at Van Every Family Chiropractic Center. My daughter was toilet trained by two and a half years old. However she continued wetting the bed. At first it wasn’t an issue, I figured it would happen in good time. She continued to get older. I had taken her to a pediatric urologist who recommended an alarm system. But we didn’t want to go that route. He also told me that there was not anything medically wrong. I also made sure that there were not any mental health issues.

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Book Today

If your child is suffering from bedwetting, contact our Royal Oak practice today to book an appointment. We want to help!



Bedwetting Care Royal Oak MI | (248) 616-0900