If you’ve experienced sciatica, you know just how painful this condition can be. Typically, it is felt on only one side of the body. The nature of the pain will depend on where the pressure is being placed on your sciatic nerve. You might feel it in your hip, knee or foot. At Van Every Family Chiropractic Center, we understand the complex nature of sciatica. Your muscles, tendons and structure all need to be addressed for you to find a solution to your discomfort.
Our Comprehensive Approach to Your Care
Sciatica can have many causes, such as improper lifting or another form of injury. You often feel it most when you move from a seated position to standing. With our adjusting technique, we can perform your adjustment while you’re in motion to address the areas that most need it.
In addition to your adjustments, we’ll talk to you about exercises and stretches that are safe and appropriate for you. Often, we recommend that our sciatica patients get a deep tissue massage, which is an incredible complement to your care.
Pain Isn’t Normal—Even During Pregnancy!
Expecting moms usually think that aches and pains are normal. We’ve had numerous pregnant women, however, who have healthy, enjoyable pregnancies that are free from common issues like sciatica.
Your baby may be sitting on one side of your pelvis, putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. We can restore that balance, which will not only help you feel better—it may even mean that you are less likely to have a breech baby or need a C-section.
After you have your baby, you may find that your sciatic pain hasn’t gone away. Thanks to all the lifting you’re doing with your new bundle of joy, it may be worse than ever. We can help your body cope with these repetitive motions and the demands of being a new mom.
Are you interested in learning more? Contact our friendly team today!